Over-arching prayer is that Lima First Church develops and grows a burden for the lost. That as a body of believers we are in one accord, kingdom-minded, and making His presence our purpose in our every day lives.

8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere--in Jerusalem (Our Family, Friends, LFC…), throughout Judea (Our Communities and Schools), in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (The USA and World).

Act 1:8 NLT

Daily prayer focuses

  • week one

    Jerusalem - (Family, Friends, LFC…)

    Day 1 - Forgiveness

    Day 2 - Thankfulness

    Day 3 - Making Room

    Day 4 - Hospitality

    Day 5 - Discipleship

    Day 6 - Miracles

    Day 7 - Holy Spirit

  • week two

    Judea - (Our Communities)

    Day 8 - Forgiveness

    Day 9 - Thankfulness

    Day 10 - Making Room

    Day 11 - Hospitality

    Day 12 - Discipleship

    Day 13 - Miracles

    Day 14 - Holy Spirit

  • week three

    To the ends of the Earth - (The USA and World)

    Day 15 - Forgiveness

    Day 16 - Thankfulness

    Day 17 - Making Room

    Day 18 - Hospitality

    Day 19 - Discipleship

    Day 20 - Miracles

    Day 21 - Holy Spirit



    Pray that we develop hearts to forgive, without thought or hesitation. That God would reveal the areas in our lives where we need to ask for forgiveness. That we would be moved to action to forgive through the power of the Holy Spirit. [Psalms 139:23-24]


    Pray that our hearts are overflowing with thankfulness, for who God is and what He means to us. For ordering our steps and making a way where there seems to be no other way. For always working in situations in our church, in our families, and with our friends. For moving mountains and also being in the smallest detail of our lives. [Philippians 4:4]


    Pray that we make room in our hearts for others to know Jesus. That we fully understand the importance of expanding the place of our tents in our personal life and the life of our church. That the kingdom of God is advanced through LFC. And that our families will be blessed as we make room and prioritize Jesus above all things. [Isaiah 54:2-3]


    Pray that we see the many ways that God has shown his great love to us in our family, with our neighbors, and at LFC. Let God cultivate in our hearts a desire to show that same love and hospitality towards those around us. To be a blessing to others and to further the kingdom of God. [Acts 2:46-47] 


    Pray that we grow in the ways of the Lord. That we pursue God in a way that not only affects what we think but what we do. Let us devote the time to study the word, meditate on the word, and hide God’s word in our hearts. So that God’s word flows from us and into the relationships of those around us. [Deuteronomy 11:18-21]


    Pray with confidence that God hears every prayer. He knows us, he loves us, he collects all of our tears, he sees our pain, and he is moved with compassion towards us. Let us pray for BIG things knowing this is our God. [Psalms 56:8-13]


    Pray for a hunger for the Holy Spirit. That the Holy Spirit be invited in every space of our life, and in our relationships with our family and friends. Pray that the voice of the Holy Spirit be the clearest voice heard, above all other voices, eliminating all doubt and confusion. And always guiding us back to Jesus. [John 14:15-17]


    Pray that as the body of Christ we operate in forgiveness, in our jobs, our schools, and in our interactions within our community. That we demonstrate what it looks like to forgive as Christ has forgiven us. [Ephesidans 4:32]


    Pray that we look for the areas where God is evident and working in our schools, community, and workplaces. That we thank Him for His provision. That we see His purpose and plan for us in these places and for this time. And that we thank Him knowing that His plans are good. [Jeremiah 29:11]


    Pray that we find time to make room for people within our schedules and the busyness of our day. Jesus, help us to see people as you see them. Help us to love those around us without conditions, or limits. And as we make room for others we will watch as our schools and communities will be transformed. [Romans 12:10]


    Pray that we develop hearts of generosity by giving of our time, attention, and resources to others. Those within our church walls, to the ones we pass in the hallway at work, or to the person serving us our food. Ask God to show you the many ways to demonstrate hospitality and kindness to those around us, to the ones who are unseen. Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we are planted. [Acts 20:35, Luke 6:38, and Acts 9:36]


    Pray that as we draw closer to Jesus that we are able to bear witness of the Light, to the people in our schools and communities. Give us the courage and boldness to speak the truth and the gentleness to share Jesus with love and grace. [John 1:8-14]


    Pray that the enemy has no claim over our schools, Lima, and our communities. Pray for our communities with the understanding that Jesus has defeated death and the grave. The battle has already been won. Pray that the darkness is pushed back and the chains are broken that have kept us bound. [John 1: 4-5]


    Pray for a quieting of our spirit. A tuning out of the noise around us and a tuning in to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Spend time in His presence to hear his voice and thank him for the peace that follows. Pray that we find rest in Him today. [Psalms 62:5-8]


    Pray that as people around the world come to know Christ, that love and forgiveness are the first fruits that are seen. And that love and forgiveness is so evident in the believer, that it will set a fire of salvations across our world. [Colossians 3:12-14]


    Pray that we know the depth of God’s love for us, all of us, not only those living in this country but all across the world. That whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Let us thank Jesus for the price that was paid on the cross. The ultimate sacrifice. To make a way for us to have a relationship with Him. [John 3:16]


    Pray that the people in our country and around the world are able to lay it all down at the feet of Jesus. To let go of idol worship. To seek relationship over religion. To make room for the one who holds us in His hands. And to remove all that is in the way of a life with Jesus. [Isaiah 46:4]


    Pray that we have a heart for missions and to become mission-minded. To support the ones who are showing hospitality and the love of Jesus to people in all parts of the world. May we allow the Holy Spirit to move in our hearts to stop us within our day to pray for them, by name, and watch as the gospel is spread to the nations. [Acts 13:47]


    Pray that the doors open for discipleship across our state and our world. Let no weapon come against the spreading of the gospel to all who will believe. Pray for favor to be given to all who are faithfully following Jesus and leading others to Christ. [Matthew 28:19-20]


    Pray that all glory be given to God as signs and wonders follow those who love Jesus and have put their trust in Him. That his name be lifted high. To the one who has all power and authority over every situation. The one who sits on the throne. And that the scales be removed from the eyes of the unbeliever in our country and our world. [Revelation 5:13, Acts 9:17-18]


    Pray that we experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit as we surrender our hearts to Him. That people around the world see the Holy Spirit as a comforter and a helper. That we allow the Holy Spirit to move in all areas of our lives. And to know that the Holy Spirit is our hope when we put our trust in Him. [Romans 15:13]